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Art Home | ARTH Courses | ARTH 213
ARTH 213
Spring 2014
January 28: Historical, Social, Economic, and Artistic Contexts for Italian Renaissance Art: review the material included on the page entitled: Introductory Material.
Pay special attention to the excerpts from Cennino Cennini's Craftsman's Handbook and the samples of artists' contracts. In reading these documents consider the priorities in the making of works of art and the respective roles of the artists and patrons.
Vasari michelangelo biography
Also consider the page I have dedicated to the Campanile reliefs. Respond to the comparison of the Genesis scenes on the west front of the Campanile to the fifteenth French miniatures of the Temptation and Fall included on the page.
Heads and Hands in Florentine Art. Read Paoletti and Radke, pp. 12-45.
February 4 : we will begin our discussion of the theme "The Development of the Individual." Read the excerpts from John Martin's article to give a framework for traditional and con