Barbara jordan biography timeline reports
Barbara jordan biography timeline reports
Barbara jordan timeline of her life.
February 21, 1936 Born Barbara Charline Jordan in Houston Texas to Rev. Benjamin M. Jordan and Arlyne (Patten) Jordan
1956 Graduated magna cum laude from Texas Southern University
1959 Graduated from Boston University Law School
1959 Taught political science at Tuskegee Institute
1960 Worked on the Kennedy-Johnson campaign
1962, 1964 Ran unsuccessfully for election to the Texas House of Delegates
1966 Elected to the Texas Senate becoming the first African American state senator since 1883
March 21, 1967 Became the first Black elected official to preside over the Texas Senate.
She was the first Black state senator to chair a major committee, Labor and Management Relations, and the first freshman senator ever named to the Texas Legislative Council.
March 1972 Became the first African-American female to serve as president pro tem of the state senate
June 1972 Served for one day as acting governor of Texas
1972 Elected to the United States House of Repr