Jean max choute biography sample
#HAITI: Jean Max Choute, également...
{MEM-1}{CAPCASE}jean max choute biography sample
{MEM-1}{CAPCASE}jean max choute biography sample
- Tijack Heriveaux{/CAPCASE}{/MEM}...
Jean-Claude Joseph aka Papa pye became one of the biggest stars of Haitian television in the 1970s and 1980s, thanks to his starring role in La Vi Nan Bouk, one of Haiti’s very first homemade TV shows on Télévision Nationale D’Haiti, Haiti’s first television network.
On the show, Joseph played the pipe-smoking, toothless country bumpkin Papa Pyè, a single parent who had to bridle his immature son Frédéric (Jean-Max Choute) through hilarious episodes of his foolishness, toppled with his own judgement-lacking personality.
Added to the hilarity was Boss Marcel (Saurel Charles), a man of rather meager means, who had pretenses of being middle class, simple because he was the tutor of some neighborhood kids—Papa Pyè’s learning-challenged son Frédéric among them.
Boss Marcel’s greed was often the subject of many episodes. Rounding out the cast was Gracié (Jacques Edmond), one of Papa Pyè’s closest friends, who was almost