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    Jason beduhn jehovahs witness

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  • Jason BeDuhn letter on the NWT/KIT (part 1)

    I corresponded with Jason BeDuhn in January 1998 shortly after he was quoted in the Watchtower as praising the Kingdom Interlinear. Below are pieces of the original Watchtower quote, my questions, his answers, and comments, all merged into one transcript.



    Dear Dr.


    My name is [Ginny Tosken]. I live in Bloomington, have attended IU, grew up as one of Jehovah's Witnesses, and was disfellowshipped in 19XX. I have corresponded with Robert Orsi some over the past year about his class on American religions, offering myself as a question and-answer subject should his students find that helpful.

    When I read your quotation in the February 1, 1998 Watchtower, I once again contacted Dr.

    Orsi because I was surprised at your endorsement of the Kingdom Interlinear Translation and the implied endorsement by Indiana University.

    Jason beduhn jehovahs witness youtube

    . . .

    As one of Jehovah's Witnesses, one is taught that the Watchtower magazine is God's cha