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tHat's itOi On tHE RighT, ZOOm.
Shigesato Itoi (糸井 重里, born November 10, 1948) is a Japanese essayist and copywriter whose works are widely considered to have had a defining influence on modern Japanese culture.
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He's dabbled in pretty much everything at some point or another over the past thirty years or so — he's done books, he's done songwriting, he's done websites, he's done voice acting, he's done film, he's done television, he's done day planners...
The man is an endless font of variety, really, and Japan loves him for it. He is perhaps most famous as an advertisement copywriter and designer, and had a hand in a number of Japan's most famous ad campaigns in the modern era.
Of course, that's not what he's known for in the western world.
No, the west knows him better for something that to him and to Japan was little more than a little experiment in storytelling he did on the side. Around here, he's best known as the brilliant mind behind the Mother trilogy of Ninten