Didier berthod injury report

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    Didier Berthod

    Swiss rock climber and priest

    Didier Berthod (born 1981)[1] is a Swiss rock climber and priest. He specializes in traditional climbing, and crack climbing in particular.[2]

    Climbing career

    In 2003, Berthod came to international prominence when he pinkpointed the unfinished sport climbing route Greenspit8b+ (5.14a) in the Orco Valley in Italy, as a traditional climbing route.[3] Converting a sport route to a traditional route is known as "greenpointing" (although the route's name came from its green colored sport bolts).[3] In 2005, Berthold returned to do the route without any pre-placed protection,[3] and Greenspit was recognized as one of the hardest traditional crack climbs in the world.[2][4][5]

    Berthod then made trips to America where he put up new traditional climbing routes such as Learning to Fly and From Switzerland with Love, both at grade 5.13+ in Indian